Gluten Free Products

PT. Ram Trading distributes several brand with gluten free products. Currently gluten-free products are in great demand by the public, not only for those with special needs but also for people who have a healthy lifestyle.

Gluten-free products began to appear since the introduction of several gluten sensitive diseases. Gluten itself is actually a protein called glutenin, found in several grains such as wheat, rye and barley. Usually this protein is present together with gliadin, a protein that is also responsible for the bad effects of gluten. Everyday products that contain these grains are wheat flour or other flour contaminated with wheat flour during the milling process. For some people with special conditions, glutenin and gliadin are proteins that is difficult to digest and can even cause allergies and prolonged illness. Some of the diseases referred to are celiac disease / autoimmune, irritable bowl syndrome and wheat allergy.

Here are some of our products that are 100% gluten free:


Unis Gluten Free is one of the first products made in Indonesia to use SORGHUM as its main ingredient for gluten-free flour. Produced in a high quality controlled factory, with zero percent gluten contamination.

Unis Gluten Free company founded by Indonesian entrepreneur who has a great concern about gluten free intolerance disease.

Sorghum is one of the most common grains in America, high in protein, fiber, and iron and has a mild taste, making it a good substitute for oat flour in gluten-free recipes. Now sorghum is being cultivated in Indonesia, especially on the island of Borneo.

We sell a range of Unis Gluten Free products in the Bali market as follows:

Few ideas of cooking with UNIS GLUTEN FREE :


Fits Mandiri is a local product made by a company located in Bogor, West Java. One of the top products from Fits is analog rice and gluten free spaghetti. The main ingredient used is corn flour.

Fits Mandiri Gluten Free Spaghetti


Granoro is a brand originating from Italy. It is known for its delicious pastas, and many other pasta brands.

The gluten free pasta product from Granoro is very different from other brands, where after cooking the pasta still looks smooth and delicate without white spots.

Find Us

Jl. Padang Galak Sanur no.12, Denpasar – Bali 80227

Monday—Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM

Who are we ?

PT. Ram Trading is an established food & beverage distributor for retail market in Bali